Sunday, November 19, 2006

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Did your mom ever tell you that as a kid?

How often have you walked away from a movie with the thought on your mind or your lips, "Boy, did that suck!"?

How easy is it to pick out a self-serving idiot of a politician or celebrity?

How many books have you put down feeling you've wasted your time?

Negatives are easy to find. They're everywhere. I can open any newspaper, magazine, or info-reporting website and find a fistful of articles telling me why something is bad or wrong or sucks. TV and radio are easier still.

Positives are a little harder. But there are so many insincere or well-paid reviewers, commentators, and spin doctors that the honest positives are lost in the glare.

It's never a bad thing to speak out against something that's wrong or warn someone against something bad, but it's nice to hear about things that are good once in a while. More than once in a while. Regularly. Often.

I'm not one to piss on somone else's art. There's no point - it does nothing for me and only irritates the artist.

I am someone who tries to draw people's attention to things I really like if I think they might like it, too. This is another way to do that.

You won't find daily updates here. I don't have that kind of time. I'm a husband and father. I have a house, pets, a full time job, and a life. A couple of times per week at most.

Likely, there will be a lot of things in this blog you can attach the word Canadian to. No apology offered. I'm certainly a nationalist and vocal about it, though not fanatical, and there are certainly an incredible number of wonderful things that don't come from Canada. But, being Canadian, it's a natural focus even with a broad and open mind and a great big universe.

This is an excercise for my voice, sharing things I believe to be good and fun and right. Not a big voice or a loud voice, really, but a firm voice and a proud one.

And a voice in what I hope and believe to be a rich and growing chorus.

Please enjoy and don't be afraid to share.

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